Sunday, March 3, 2019


Day 2 didn't bring a lot of waste, per se.  Early morning saw me (literally) in my bathrobe, syphoning water out of buckets.  This was followed by a few hours on the computer.  No waste.  My afternoon was spent at a sporting event.  My waste included a beer can, a water bottle, a cardboard box and a plastic fork. I'm blaming my husband for the fork.  It was nachos, finger food, darn it.  You're killing me.  I'm not sure if the sports arena recycles the can and cardboard, however,  I did bring the water bottle, paper napkins and plastic wrapper from the fork home.  The napkins are super easy to compost or reuse.  The water bottles will be returned for the deposit and recycled.

Wow.  What's going on with all of that 

Yikes!! What's up with all of the water bottles??  I do have a bit of an explanation.  The sparkling water bottles in the back row comprised part of my "earthquake preparedness" kit.  I had over 100  bottles of filtered water from my refrigerator dispenser stored in a cabinet in my garage.  I kept the water bottles rotated for freshness and I used this bottled water to fill my coffee maker in the morning.  To tell the truth,  I had a mental image of the "Big One" hitting, my house sitting in a pile of rubble, all utilities cut off, but I had water. While the earthquake scene will most likely still happen sometime in the future, the "Big One" that hit was that my old, inefficient refrigerator has stopped filtering water.  I'm now using up my earthquake preparedness water and my fingers are crossed that what I've saved so carefully for my emergency kit won't be needed anytime soon.  Or ever, for that matter.

The bottles will be recycled.  The 
wrapper is landfill bound.

I'd be feeling REALLY good right now, except I've had a challenge disaster.  Today is our citywide electronic waste drop off day.  I've had a TV to get rid of for months, and it's too old to donate or give away.  

This TV must weigh 70 lbs.  
Batteries and remotes not included.

I would love to be able to "not include" this.  After all, it's an old tv, used by 4 people, divided by many years, responsibly discarded, etc. Blah, blah, blah.  It is waste, and as such, will be included in my weekly totals.  Bummer.  On the bright side, it does take the stress out of next weeks Bunco party. It's hard to top over 70 lbs in one day.  Despite the set back, the challenge goes on.  

Be well and happy gardening!

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