Saturday, April 11, 2020


I love dining in my garden.  A walk through the yard is much like a stroll around a salad bar.  A few "overwintered" tomatoes here, carrots there, lettuce and radishes crammed in to a long bed straddling our neighbors yard and Tuscan kale standing tall, bright and green. I love to nibble as I go, mentally preparing todays menu from my seasonal produce.
As I walk (and eat) my way through the garden, I also use the time to observe.  What's doing well, what's not doing well, what needs to be planted, transplanted, thinned, harvested or removed. Weeds?  Pests?  Disease?  How about an empty area, begging for a new tree or plant.  Could that old twisted branch be a garden art project?  I try and carry a pair of garden scissors with me, deadheading some plants and/or picking a bouquet while I walk. I'm never bored in the garden.

We've had rain for 5 days straight.  Yay!!  It was much needed.  It also meant that our current "stay at home" order meant I was literally stuck inside for most of that time.  Recently, I went dumpster diving in my recycling bin and recovered a lot of empty cans.  My husband spray painted them and drilled some drainage holes in the bottom.  Who needs to buy pots??  I quickly filled the pots with potting soil, planted seeds and let the rain give them a thorough soaking.

Painted Coffee Cans

Tomatoes and Peppers 

If all goes well I'll be drowning in salsa and marinara in no time at all!

Something ripped out half of my lettuce bed recently.  I'm not sure what it was, but I came outside and found a gaping hole in the middle of my bed.  UGH!  I ran out of time before the rain came to get it prepped and reseeded so I poked drainage holes in the bottom of a bag of potting soil and placed the whole bag of soil in the bed.  I ripped the top of the bag open and planted Spaghetti Squash directly in to the soil.  I've only planted this way once before and it was a great success. 

Potting Soil Spaghetti Squash

2 days of planting and a well watered garden mean that a well deserved break is due.  It might be time to stop and smell the Sweet Pea's.  

Sweet Pea Pathway

Whatever your plans this weekend, I hope that you spend some of it in the garden.

Be well, stay healthy and happy gardening.

Every seed sown and tree planted is a future meal

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