Saturday, December 7, 2019


I love holidays!!  Whether it's new years eve, the winter solstice, Halloween or Christmas, any holiday is a reason to bring out the decorations, gather with friends and family, and make memories that last a lifetime.  Sadly, along with making those memories, we're making A LOT of trash.  While the amount of "extra" waste seems minimal during most of the months, December has the most holidays, the most consumption, and, the most waste.

According to NEEF (National Environmental Education Foundation), landfill waste increases approximately 25% during the month of December.  Of course, that's not much of a surprise.  More parties, more travel, more food, more presents.  How do we live mindfully in a consumption based month like December.  It's a struggle, to be sure, but it can be done with a little planning and some creativity.

Lets start with the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

GIFTS: Gift giving is expensive.  The time, money and thought that goes in to it drains our bank accounts and uses up much more energy than it's worth.  I start my holidays with a trip to my "gift" cupboard.  The gifts here are either items I've picked up during the year (usually on sale) or items I've received that I won't be keeping (REgifting).  It's easy to find a usable gift for a party hostess, a gift exchange, or as a last minute gift if you have a designated space for those extras that you've accumulated during the year.

No Peeking

Browse thrift stores.  Whether you're dropping in throughout the year (it's never too early or late to add to your gift cupboard) or at the holidays, you'd be surprised at the amount of new and barely used items that can be lovingly REgifted.

Gifts from the kitchen: Who doesn't love home cooking and baking??  Put on an apron and treat friends and family to homemade cookies, jam, or whatever your specialty happens to be.

Handmade reigns supreme!  I've made many of my gifts over the years, using recycled items, and I'm posting some of the pics below.  As a very "non-crafty" person, if I can make it, it's totally doable! Check out one of the many internet craft and idea sites for great crafting ideas for all of your REusable waste.

Handmade Paper Christmas Cards
with disposal instructions

Potpourri made with Lavender and 
Rose petals from my garden

Gifts from the garden

Homemade cookies in a
decorated thrift store vase

Decorating: How about a happy "natural" holiday?  Leaves, flowers, branches, pinecones, and many other outdoor finds are easy to find and easy to decorate with.  

REpurpose from your Recycling Bin.  Cans, bottles, cardboard, glass jars...just about everything in your recycling bin can be upcycled in to holiday decorations.  How about corks, bottle caps, and wine bottles...there's a holiday decorating tutorial for that, too.  Check out a crafting site and get in touch with your artistic side.

Mr. and Mrs. Snowman-crafted from recycled
items, cherished for over a decade

REuse: Not only will reusing your holiday decorations save you money, you'll get to enjoy the warm and fuzzy feelings associated with past holiday celebrations.

FOOD: December is a great time to start using up the food in your pantry, fridge or freezer.  Do you really want to store all those half used jars in your refrigerator door another year?  Are the "best by" dates on your pantry items looming close?  Get online, or pull out your recipe books and find some meals you can make without heading to the grocery store.

Have an "AFTER" holiday party.  Our  After Christmas party this year is December 27th.  Guests are asked to bring some leftovers for the potluck and to "regift" for the gift exchange.  It's a chance to clean out the pantry, the freezer, or the cookie jar.  It's a chance to reduce our extra stuff, reuse what we have, and make memories with friends and family.

Be Well and Happy Holidays

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